About Our Family

4Firstly I’d like to say hello and thank-you for visiting Experience Something New. I hope that your visit to our site proves to be informative and that you can take something away that you can use in your own family life.

Before we get into the meat and potatoes of what our site has to offer, I’d like to tell you a little bit more about my story and how Experience Something New came into being.

A Little About Me

My name is Jim Goodwin and I’m an IT specialist who lives in Baltimore, Maryland. Specifically, I work in online marketing; helping my clients create and optimize websites to improve their search rankings and drive profitability. I have always enjoyed my work and get a huge thrill out of helping people solve problems in whatever form they come.

I met my wife, Ann, while studying for my degree in Information Technology in Philadelphia. We clicked right away and it didn’t take long for me to figure out that this was the woman I was going to marry. We got hitched soon after finishing our studies and soon started to cultivate a little brood of our own.

Ann gave birth to our first daughter, Maggi, a couple of years after we got married and my two sons, Brendon and Tom, followed soon after.

As a family we have always dedicated ourselves to seeking out new experiences. Ann and I want our kids to see as much of what the world has to offer as possible, but we also want to help current and future parents with the challenges that come with starting a family, which is where the idea for Experience Something New came about.

Founding The Website

As our children grew older and we learned more about how to help them develop into the adults they will soon become, Ann and I thought to ourselves that it would be great to create a website that helps others by telling our own story.

That is how Experience Something New came into being. What started out as a way for us to communicate with others about the challenges and amazing experiences we have had as parents has grown into a website where people from all over the world come to gain a little insight into parenting, life and family matters.

Here we write about anything and everything that relates to family. From bonding with your children through to ways to maintain your personal relationships when faced with the challenges of parenthood, our site covers topics that we hope will engage visitors while having a little fun along the way.

We write to help others, but we have also found that this little website that we started a few years ago could also act as a source of income for our family. Over the years the site has gained readership and we have evolved alongside those changes. Today, we offer a unique insight into family matters while also working on building a community of people who wish to share their own ideas with us and the thousands of people who visit Experience Something New every month.

Your Experience

Our aim for this website it to ensure that all visitors come away from their experience feeling as though their lives have been enriched and they have more information that could help them with their own families.

We’ve worked hard to create a website that has grown from a way for us to communicate with the world into a community of amazing people who want to share their ideas and share in the trials, tribulations and experiences that family life can give to all of us.

Our blog, which started as a way for us to share our adventures with others, has evolved into a resource for parents and families. Our hope is that you will be able to use this resource to gain more insight into the people and families around you and perhaps even be encouraged to share some of your own stories and advice with us.

We are also able to offer advertising services to businesses and individuals who believe their values are in alignment with our own. While we have developed this site to entertain ourselves and our visitors, the large readership that we have established also allows us to promote others who we feel can help our community.

We hope that you enjoy your visit and that you Experience Something New on our site.

Jim Goodwin, Site Founder and IT Specialist