How to Help Your Bath Help Your Mobility Issues

Having a nice warm bath can help with mobility issues. As you probably already know, the warmth helps promote circulation, which in turn helps keep muscles strong. At the same time, the buoyancy removes pressure points, and the muscles and joints tend to relax. It’s why people generally leave the bath feeling nice and tranquil, even if they don’t suffer from mobility issues.

What’s even better news is that you can take several added steps while you’re bathing to optimise the benefits.

Get the Water Warm, Not Hot

Firstly, resist the urge to make your bath too hot. Warm water can help with mobility problems, but water that’s too hot can put a lot of stress on your heart. Such heat tends to make the body more rigid, and you won’t be able to relax as easily. If you happen to have a thermometer to hand, look to keep the water temperature between 92 and 100 degrees. Anything over 104 degrees should be considered dangerous.

Move in the Water

It can be tempting just to sit back and relax in the bath, especially if you like to listen to music or read a book as you soak yourself. That’s fine, but you should also make sure you spend some time moving around. Of course, there isn’t a huge amount of space to move in a bathtub, but you should try some gentle stretching. Since blood flow will already be stimulated and the body will be fully supported, this is the ideal time to stretch your muscles.

Consider Bathing Before Exercise

If you suffer from mobility problems, it can be hard to take any exercise. What you could do is exercise after having a warm bath. That doesn’t mean committing to a marathon, but post-bath is a great time to take a long walk. Your muscles will be more limber, and your body will be looser and more prepared for some light physical exertion. You can also bathe right after exercise – healthier blood flow will help your muscles heal.